Get involved. Help make a difference.

Get Involved. Now!

We desperately need your help! We need everything!

  • Coders
  • Designers and illustrators
  • Webmasters and Word Press experts
  • Social media managers
  • Marketers
  • Podcast producers
  • Video producers
  • PR experts

If you feel as we do that things are moving in the wrong direction. If you feel a nagging urge to do something. If you long for a better future for you, your family, friends, communities, and for all of humanity, then we need your time and expertise now.

Don't Wait. Volunteer today!

Too busy to volunteer?

Donate to The Root Cause

We all want to make a difference, but not everyone has the time to donate their time. If you can't donate time, then please donate money! Every dollar you donate makes a difference. Please give as much as you can to help us leave things better for our children and future generations..

Join the movement

Subscribe to The Root Cause

Join our a global movement driven to prioritize people, communities, and our planet above mere shareholder gains. Our credo reflects our commitment to valuing life’s miraculous gift and upholding human rights. But we need allies like you. Subscribe today, and let’s craft a brighter future together, merging capitalism with true human values.

Too busy to get involved?

Please donate whatever you can

We all want to make a difference, but not everyone has the time to donate their time. If you can't donate time, then please donate money! Every dollar you donate makes a difference. Please give as much as you can to help us leave things better for our children and future generations..

Share this and spread the word. It will take a movement!
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