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Vision Statements for America

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We Need Leaders Now, More Than Ever

We find ourselves at the brink of an abyss, where the trajectory of our nation is alarmingly off-course. It is imperative that our government, rooted in the principles of being ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people,’ takes swift and substantial action. TheRootCause community is a forum that has come together to reignite the flames of inspiration and hope. In a world overshadowed by politics, polarization, and policy, our community yearns for more than just discussions of issues – we thirst for a guiding vision to navigate these turbulent times.

As a former CEO of several companies and a graduate of Harvard Business School, I’ve observed that many representatives maintain informative webpages on their official sites, outlining their stances on various issues. While these issue-focused pages are undeniably valuable, a noticeable gap exists: few, if any, representatives’ websites convey a vision statement—a high-level, inspirational declaration of their idealistic and emotionally resonant vision for our nation’s future. This vision serves as a guiding light, illuminating the foundation of a broader plan that clarifies why and how they stand on the critical issues that shape our nation’s destiny and impact humanity as a whole.

All Businesses Have Vision Statements. Why Not Our Political Leaders?

Things that make you go hmmm…  the “intriguing” juxtaposition of the corporate world’s penchant for vision statements and the political arena’s apparent aversion to them!  Why?
My rich background, straddling the realms of entrepreneurship, high finance, and the hallowed halls of Harvard Business School, provides a unique vantage point for this observation.

Indeed, within the bustling corridors of enterprise, vision statements are as common as coffee machines – essential, ubiquitous, and often the source of much contemplation. They serve as a North Star, guiding companies and all their stakeholders through the turbulent realms of market trends and shareholder expectations. However, when we pivot to the political landscape, the scene changes dramatically.

Curiously, our political leaders, those architects of public policy and shepherds of societal progress, seem to shy away from crafting such high-level, inspirational manifestos. While their official webpages brim with policy positions and legislative priorities, the absence of a unifying, emotionally charged vision for our nation’s future is palpable.

Why this dichotomy? One might speculate that the nuanced and often fractious nature of politics makes boiling down a vision into a neat, inspirational package a Hobbesian choice, accountability versus “flexibility?”  Yet, the potential power of a well-articulated vision in politics is undeniable. It could act as a beacon, rallying citizens around a shared dream, transcending the quagmire of daily politics to inspire and unite. Perhaps it’s a path less traveled in the political realm, but certainly one worth exploring for the potential it holds to shape our nation’s destiny and impact humanity. After all, as they say in the corridors of Harvard, ‘What’s worth doing is worth doing well.’

Introduction: “The Vision Behind Our Mission”

In times of change and challenge,  clarity of vision is paramount. Vision Statements for America’s  mission is to bring forward the long-term goals and aspirations of our nation’s leaders. This project is not just about understanding political positions; it’s about grasping the visionary foresight that drives them. We believe that by showcasing these vision statements, we can foster a deeper understanding of our leaders’ intentions for the future of our country.

Why Vision Statements?

  1. The Importance of Vision in Leadership. Great leaders, indeed, are not merely firefighters, dousing the flames of today’s crises. They are also skilled navigators, peering through the periscope of foresight to discern the contours of tomorrow’s landscape. A vision statement, in this context, serves as a lighthouse, casting its steady beam across the turbulent seas of issues, decision-making and policy formulation. It lifts our gaze from the cluttered desk of the present to the horizon of possibilities, sketching a future that beckons us with the promise of progress and prosperity and we need great leaders now more than ever!
  2. Holding Leaders to Their Promises. Vision statements aren’t just fancy wordplay; they’re pledges for what’s to come. Here, we dive into how we, the public, can use these grand declarations to keep our leaders on their toes. It’s about matching their lofty visions to the reality of their policies and decisions. This way, we make sure our leaders don’t just talk the talk but also walk the walk, steering us towards the bright future they’ve painted.”

The Vision Statements for AmericaTM Process

We’re reaching out to each senator and congressional representative with a heartfelt invitation: to share their deeply felt, emotionally vibrant vision statements for America. It’s about going beyond the usual policy talk on their official websites. We’re on a quest to uncover the dreams that fuel their convictions, the very essence of their dedication to governance.

While their official websites may focus on policies, our mission is to unearth the dreams that drive their convictions. Unlike policy pages or political platforms, vision statements offer a unique insight into the ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’ They reveal the underlying motivations, values, and aspirations that shape a leader’s approach to governance. By doing so, we can play a role in steering them toward better decisions to address the pressing challenges of our troubled era. These dreams are not mere words; they are the lifeblood of our nation’s future.

  1. We are actively reaching out to every member of Congress, requesting their vision statement for America . and all of humanity (you can read a copy of the letter we send here).
  2. We will follow up relentlessly and track how many emails and phone calls go unanswered.  Our representatives in Congress tend never to respond to the queries of their constituents. Most simply do not care because, well, power and riches lie elsewhere, so we will track and publish all of the energy we expend to secure their responses. You can view actual results by viewing the Visions for America Status Page, then searching for your politician. We will also post each and every request on social media.  We are also tracking the timeliness of their responses, measured in days elapsed since our first request.
  3. We will immediately post, complete, unedited, PDFs of all responses. Once we receive responses, these will be published on our site and and on social media. The status table is color coded. Red means no response has been recieved. Green means we have received a response.  You can view the status of your state’s representatives by clicking the button below.

This way, you, the citizens of this great country and the world, can use their vision statements to hold them accountable. Do their policy decisions align with their vision statement? Does their public rhetoric match their vision? Do their actions resonate with their vision? By doing so, we can all make more informed voting decisions in the future!

View Your Politician’s Vision Statement For America

Get Involved Today Before It’s Too Late

Join us on this vital mission. The Root Cause is a global movement – a call to action – for all of us to get involved. By subscribing, donating, volunteering, or just spreading the word, you’re not just supporting a cause; you’re actively shaping a better future. Remember Abraham Lincoln’s words, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.”  


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If you feel as we do that things are moving in the wrong direction. If you feel a nagging urge to do something. If you long for a better future for you, your family, friends, communities, and for all of humanity, then we need your time and expertise now. We need your help now.


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